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Online Master's in Data Science

Associate Degree (e.g., AA, AS)

Frequently Asked Questions About Data Science Degrees

A data science master's degree is relatively new an graduate program that combines core concepts from mathematics, computer science, statistics, and information science to leverage insights and help data scientists improve operational and business processes. A data science master's is best positioned for someone who is interested in furthering their data science career, or interested in building or expanding skills in machine learning, cluster analysis, databases, data visualization, statistics, data mining and more.

Coursera's Data Scientist Allie says: "I took on an entry-level role that had flexibility in the job description. I was not expected to be a data expert, by any means. But with the flexibility, there were tasks that really piqued my interest. From there, I could move from operations analytics to other functions."

You can learn data science anytime and anywhere in the world – All you need is an internet connection.

For students that go through data science degree courses on Coursera that are accredited by our university partners, all of the content is created by university faculty members who are subject matter experts. Your degree will be conferred and accredited by the universities themselves.